The Vietnam War was an unfathomable tragedy that left a permanent scar on the lives of millions of innocent people. Despite the magnitude of the conflict, the stories of those who lived through it often go unheard. This collection of stories from refugees who lived in Vietnam and bravely escaped the country offers a deeply personal and heart-wrenching perspective on the war's devastating impact. Through their firsthand accounts, we come to realize the unimaginable daily struggles, crippling fears, and desperate hopes of those who fought for democracy. We are forced to confront the heartrending challenges of living in a war-torn country and the shattering emotional and physical toll of fighting for freedom. Yet, these stories are a powerful testament to the human spirit's incredible resilience and unwavering determination through all the suffering and chaos. The stories within this collection offer a poignant and emotional insight into the experiences of those who endured a dark period in modern history.

Our Stories

By Hạ Thái Trần Quốc Phiệt

By Nguyễn Đ. Quyền

By Lê Thị Minh Vân

By Ann Diep Nguyen